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日期: 2023-12-28 18:56:13 来源: 非凡


  Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important and widely celebrated traditional festival in China. The festival starts on the first day of the lunar calendar and lasts for 15 days, with the Lantern Festival marking the end of the celebrations. As a festival deeply rooted in Chinese culture, Spring Festival has been celebrated for thousands of years, and there are many ancient poems that capture the essence of this joyous time.

  One of the most famous poems about Spring Festival is "Spring Festival Ode" by Su Shi, a prominent poet of the Song Dynasty. The poem vividly describes the scenes and customs of the festival:

  "The season of spring comes with blooming flowers,

  The festival arrives, with joyous hours.

  Every household is busy, with cleaning and preparing,

  Delicious food and new clothes, the festival is so endearing.

  Red lanterns adorn the streets and doors,

  Firecrackers are heard, creating festive roars.

  The sound of gongs and drums fills the air,

  Dances and performances, for everyone to share.

  Visiting friends and relatives, spreading heartfelt wishes,

  Exchanging gifts, with love and blisses.

  Watching the dragon and lion dance,

  Bringing luck and fortune in a joyful trance.

  The festival concludes, with the Lantern Festival night,

  Riddles and lanterns, shining so bright.

  Spring Festival, a time of reunion and delight,

  Forever cherished, in our memories so bright."

  This poem portrays the vibrant and joyful atmosphere of Spring Festival. It captures the anticipation and excitement as people prepare for the celebrations, decorate their homes, and engage in various traditional customs. The mention of red lanterns, firecrackers, gongs, and drums adds to the festive spirit, while the exchange of gifts and visits to friends and relatives highlight the importance of family and social connections during this time.

  Another famous poem that depicts the essence of Spring Festival is "Spring Festival" by Du Fu, a prominent poet of the Tang Dynasty. This poem beautifully portrays the various customs and rituals associated with the festival:

  "Spring festival arrives, with joyous songs,

  Blossoms scatter, melodies prolong.

  Fireworks illuminate the sky high,

  Red lanterns light up, like stars in the night sky.

  The family gathers, dinner shared and enjoyed,

  Warmth and laughter, nothing to be annoyed.

  Children in new clothes, with smiles so bright,

  Elders extend blessings, with love and insight.

  In every household, Spring Festival scrolls are hung,

  Wishes for a fruitful year, on every tongue.

  The sound of fireworks, echoing through the street,

  Driving away evil spirits, ensuring good fortune we meet.

  The joy of Spring Festival prevails far and wide,

  Farewell to the old year, with a joyful stride."

  This poem not only highlights the joyous atmosphere of Spring Festival but also emphasizes the importance of family reunions and the exchange of blessings and wishes for a prosperous year ahead. The mention of fireworks and red lanterns symbolizes the desire to ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck and fortune.

  In conclusion, Spring Festival is a time of joy, reunion, and celebration in Chinese culture. Through these ancient poems, we can appreciate the beauty and importance of this important festival. The customs, traditions, and vibrant atmosphere described in these poems continue to bring people together and create lasting memories during this special time of the year.



  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. With a history of over 4,000 years, it celebrates the arrival of spring and represents a time for reunion, festivities, and hope for the new year. Throughout history, many ancient Chinese poets have composed beautiful verses to capture the essence and significance of the Spring Festival. In this article, we will explore some ancient poems about the Spring Festival and attempt to translate them into English.

  1. 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。

  Guī míng shí jié yǔ fēn fēn, lù shàng xíng rén yù duàn hún.

  During the Qingming season, rain falls incessantly, and travelers on the road feel as if their souls will be severed.

  Explanation: Qingming, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, usually falls ten days following the Spring Festival. This poem vividly depicts the gloomy atmosphere of rain during the festival, capturing the sentiment of those who are traveling to pay respects to their ancestors' graves.

  2. 春节到来喜洋洋,家家户户张灯彩。

  Chūn jié dào lái xǐ yáng yáng, jiā jiā hù hù zhāng dēng cǎi.

  With the arrival of Spring Festival, every household is filled with joy, and lanterns and decorations are hung.

  Explanation: This poem portrays the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival, with colorful lanterns and decorations adorning every home. It highlights the overall excitement and happiness that permeate throughout Chinese society during this time.

  3. 十里长亭送别归,入观雷峰四狮醉。

  Shí lǐ cháng tíng sòng bié guī, rù guān léi fēng sì shī zuì.

  Parting ways at the long corridor, I venture into the drunken haze of the Thunder Peak and the Four Lion Pavilion.

  Explanation: This poem refers to the tradition of visiting famous landmarks during the Spring Festival. The Thunder Peak and Four Lion Pavilion are iconic attractions in Hangzhou, China. The poet expresses both the sorrow of saying goodbye and the anticipation of embarking on a journey to explore the beauty of their country.

  4. 春节佳节大家欢,乐聚一堂喜笑颜。

  Chūn jié jiā jié dà jiā huān, lè jù yī táng xǐ xiào yán.

  Spring Festival, a joyous occasion when the whole family gathers, filled with laughter and happiness.

  Explanation: This poem encapsulates the essence of family reunions during the Spring Festival. It emphasizes the importance of coming together, sharing joy, and cherishing each moment spent with loved ones.

  5. 团圆之夜月儿圆,欢快歌舞声声传。

  Tuán yuán zhī yè yuè er yuán, huān kuài gē wǔ shēng shēng chuán.

  On the night of reunion, the moon is full, and joyful songs and dances echo in the air.

  Explanation: This poem captures the significance of the Spring Festival's New Year's Eve, which represents the pinnacle of reunion and togetherness. The full moon symbolizes unity and harmony, while the lively songs and dances reflect the festive spirit and excitement of the occasion.

  In conclusion, the Spring Festival holds a special place in Chinese culture, evoking feelings of joy, reunion, and hope for the new year. These ancient poems convey the various emotions and customs associated with this important holiday. Through the translations provided above, we hope to have conveyed a glimpse of the beauty and essence of the Spring Festival and its significance to the Chinese people.





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