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日期: 2023-12-28 18:55:01 来源: 慕叶


  Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is celebrated on the first day of the lunar calendar, which falls between late January and early February. For thousands of years, the Chinese have gathered with their families to observe this holiday, offering prayers for a prosperous year ahead and paying respect to their ancestors.

  During the Spring Festival, there are many customs and traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. These include decorating homes with red lanterns and couplets, exchanging red envelopes filled with money, setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and preparing and enjoying special holiday foods. It is also a time for family reunions, where people travel long distances to be together and celebrate.

  Poetry has always been an important part of Chinese culture, and there are many ancient poems dedicated to the Spring Festival. These poems capture the essence of the holiday, expressing feelings of joy, hope, and gratitude. Here are a few examples of Spring Festival poems in English, along with their translations:

  1. "Spring Festival Evening" by Du Fu:

  The moon is up, lanterns shine bright,

  Verdant food, blessings tonight.

  I raise my glass, to the heavens I cheer,

  May the year be filled with happiness and cheer.

  2. "New Year's Eve" by Wang Anshi:

  The earth completes its orbit, the year's end is near,

  The resounding firecrackers, the laughter of cheer.

  The family gathers, a reunion so dear,

  With love and happiness, we welcome the new year.

  3. "Farewell to the Old Year" by Liu Yong:

  The last day of the year, time bids farewell,

  As firecrackers light up, the night sky aswell.

  Friends and family unite, in this jubilant sight,

  Welcoming the new year, with hearts alight.

  4. "A New Year's Letter to Brother Chen" by Yuan Mei:

  Red couplets adorn the door, lanterns aglow,

  Laughter fills the air, as good fortune bestows.

  May every wish come true, as the year begins anew,

  Health, wealth, and happiness, to me and you.

  These poems not only depict the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival but also convey blessings and good wishes for the coming year. They serve as a reminder of the value of family, friendship, and love, and the importance of cherishing these relationships.

  In conclusion, the Spring Festival is a time for celebration and reflection. It is a time to express gratitude and reconnect with loved ones. Through the ancient poems dedicated to this holiday, we are reminded of the rich cultural heritage and the enduring traditions that have been cherished for centuries. As we welcome the new year, let us embrace the spirit of the Spring Festival and carry its blessings throughout the year.



  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China, and it is celebrated by Chinese people all around the world. With a history of over 4,000 years, this festival is filled with traditional customs, exciting activities, and heartfelt wishes. In this article, we will explore some ancient Chinese poems about the Spring Festival and provide their English translations.

  1. 清明时节雨纷纷

  The drizzling rain falls during the Qingming Festival,

  Mourning every soul with sorrowful tune.

  The Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, usually falls around early April. It is a time when Chinese people honor their ancestors by visiting their graves, cleaning tombstones, and making offerings.

  2. 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。

  I sleep through the spring morning, unaware of dawn,

  Everywhere, I hear the songs of birds.

  This poem captures the scene of a beautiful spring morning. The poet describes how he sleeps in and wakes up to the delightful chirping of birds, signifying the arrival of spring.

  3. 春江花月夜

  A night of flowers and moon on the Spring River,

  A majestic scene that captivates observers.

  This poem depicts a picturesque scene on a spring night, where flowers are in full bloom and the moonlight casts a magical glow on the river. It conveys a sense of tranquility and aesthetic appreciation for nature.

  4. 春宵一刻值千金

  One moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold,

  Treasure every moment in this festive season.

  This line emphasizes the preciousness of time during the Spring Festival. It encourages people to cherish every moment of joy and spend quality time with loved ones.

  5. 天涯共此时

  We gather together despite the distance,

  Celebrating this auspicious moment.

  This phrase highlights the significance of family reunions during the Spring Festival. Regardless of the physical distance, people make the effort to come together, sharing love and happiness.

  6. 年年岁岁画相似,岁岁年年人不同。

  Year after year, the pictures look the same,

  But the people change with each passing year.

  This verse reminds us that although the festival customs may appear similar each year, the people celebrating it have different experiences and stories. It reflects the circle of life and the importance of cherishing the present moment.

  7. 春节愉快,万事如意!

  Happy Spring Festival, may everything go well!

  Wishing you good luck in all your endeavors!

  This is a popular New Year greeting, expressing well-wishes for happiness, success, and good luck in the coming year.

  The Spring Festival and its associated poems reflect the essence of Chinese culture - celebrating family, cherishing traditions, and embracing the beauty of nature. These timeless verses convey deep emotions and resonate with people's hearts. Regardless of language barriers, they connect people and foster a sense of shared humanity. Let us embrace the spirit of the Spring Festival and spread joy and warmth to all.





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